About our Faculty
Our renowned faculty have received many of the most prestigious and competitive fellowships and awards in their fields, including numerous Guggenheim Fellowships. Our faculty also regularly receive UC President’s Fellowships, competing against outstanding faculty from all UC campuses. We are especially proud to have recruited numerous UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship recipients into tenure-track positions.
Many have won major book prizes in their fields and several have held presidencies and other leadership positions in national and international societies and organizations, such as the Linguistic Society of America and the American Academy of Religion.
Explore the sections below to learn more.
SUma Ikeuchi (池内須摩)
Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Simon Todd
Assistant Professor of Linguistics
At UC Santa Barbara, private philanthropic support is central to maintaining the high quality of our departments
and programs. One of the most important types of gifts is an endowed chair, which can help UCSB recruit
outstanding faculty and provide funds for cutting-edge research, graduate student support, and innovative
programmatic initiatives.
João Pedro Oliveira, Professor of Music
Helen Morales, Professor of Classics
Sabine Frühstück, Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies
José Cabezón, Professor of Religious Studies
Patrice Petro, Professor of Film & Media Studies, Carsey-Wolf Center Director
Christine Thomas, Professor of Religious Studies
Eliot Wolfson, Professor of Religious Studies
Janet Afary, Professor of Religious Studies
Adam Sabra, Professor of History
Nicole Lamartine, Professor of Music
Ben Olguín, Professor of English
Fabio Rambelli, Professor of Religious Studies
Irwin Appel, Professor of Theater and Dance
Hollywood's Embassies: How Movie Theaters Projected American Power Around the World, Columbia University Press, 2022
Beginning in the 1920s, audiences around the globe were seduced not only by Hollywood films but also by lavish movie theaters that were owned and operated by the major American film companies. These theaters aimed to provide a quintessentially “American” experience. Outfitted with American technology and accoutrements, they allowed local audiences to watch American films in an American-owned cinema in a distinctly American way.
In a history that stretches from Buenos Aires and Tokyo to Johannesburg and Cairo, Ross Melnick considers these movie houses as cultural embassies. He examines how the exhibition of Hollywood films became a constant flow of political and consumerist messaging, selling American ideas, products, and power, especially during fractious eras.
Read more in the UCSB Current - “How Hollywood Cinemas Conquered the World.”
Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan, Columbia University Press, 2022
Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan describes the ever-changing manifestations of sexes, genders, and sexualities in Japanese society from the 1860s to the present day. Analyzing a wide range of texts, images, and data, Sabine Frühstück considers the experiences of females, males, and the evolving spectrum of boundary-crossing individuals and identities in Japan. These include the intersexed conscript in the 1880s, the first “out” lesbian war reporter in the 1930s, and pregnancy-vest-wearing male governors in the present day. She interweaves macro views of history with stories about individual actors, highlighting how sexual and gender expression has been negotiated in both the private and the public spheres and continues to wield the power to critique and change society. This lively and accessible survey introduces Japanese ideas about modern manhood, modern womenhood, reproduction, violence and sex during war, the sex trade, LGBTQ identities and activism, women’s liberation, feminisms, and visual culture.
Scientific History: Experiments in History and Politics from the Bolshevik Revolution to the End of the Cold War, University of Chicago Press, 2021
Increasingly, scholars in the humanities are calling for a reengagement with the natural sciences. Taking their cues from recent breakthroughs in genetics and the neurosciences, advocates of “big history” are reassessing long-held assumptions about the very definition of history, its methods, and its evidentiary base. In Scientific History, Elena Aronova maps out historians’ continuous engagement with the methods, tools, values, and scale of the natural sciences by examining several waves of their experimentation that surged highest at perceived times of trouble, from the crisis-ridden decades of the early twentieth century to the ruptures of the Cold War.
Armenian Songs for Children, 2021
The celebrated Lebanese-born, Canadian-Armenian-American soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian presents a poignant project of songs and lullabies that traces an arc of the memories and experiences of the Armenian people from the Ottoman Empire through the Genocide and beyond, and pays homage to her personal heritage.
A Black Women's History of the United States, Beacon Press, 2020
A vibrant and empowering history that emphasizes the perspectives and stories of African American women to show how they are—and have always been—instrumental in shaping our country.
In centering Black women’s stories, two award-winning historians seek both to empower African American women and to show their allies that Black women’s unique ability to make their own communities while combatting centuries of oppression is an essential component in our continued resistance to systemic racism and sexism. Daina Ramey Berry and Kali Nicole Gross offer an examination and celebration of Black womanhood, beginning with the first African women who arrived in what became the United States to African American women of today.
2021 Susan Koppelman Award Winner for the Best Book in Feminist Studies
2021 NAACP Image Award Finalist: Outstanding Literary Work – Non-Fiction
2021 Organization of American Historians Darlene Clark Hine Award – Honorable Mention
Jesus Loves Japan: Return Migration and Global Pentecostalism in a Brazilian Diaspora, Stanford University Press, 2019
After the introduction of the "long-term resident" visa, the mass-migration of Nikkeis (Japanese Brazilians) has led to roughly 190,000 Brazilian nationals living in Japan. While the ancestry-based visa confers Nikkeis' right to settlement virtually as a right of blood, their ethnic ambiguity and working-class profile often prevent them from feeling at home in their supposed ethnic homeland. In response, many have converted to Pentecostalism, reflecting the explosive trend across Latin America since the 1970s. Jesus Loves Japan offers a rare window into lives at the crossroads of return migration and global Pentecostalism. Suma Ikeuchi argues that charismatic Christianity appeals to Nikkei migrants as a "third culture"—one that transcends ethno-national boundaries and offers a way out of a reality marked by stagnant national indifference. Jesus Loves Japan insightfully describes the political process of homecoming through the lens of religion, and the ubiquitous figure of the migrant as the pilgrim of a transnational future.
Winner of the 2020 Clifford Geertz Prize in Anthropology of Religion and the 2020 Francis L.K. Hsu Book Prize.
Empire’s Mobius Strip: Historical Echoes in Italy’s Crisis of Migration and Detention, Cornell University Press, 2019
Italy's current crisis of Mediterranean migration and detention has its roots in early twentieth century imperial ambitions. Empire's Mobius Strip investigates how mobile populations were perceived to be major threats to Italian colonization, and how the state's historical mechanisms of control have resurfaced, with greater force, in today's refugee crisis.
Winner of the 2019 American Association of Italian Studies Book Prize (20th and 21st Centuries) and 2019 Books of the Year, Times Literary Supplement.
The Now Dark Sky, Setting Us All On Fire, SUNY Press, 2019
“Let these poems be lanterns to the door you are about to open,” says Portland poet Sam Roxas-Chua of The Now Dark Sky, Setting Us All on Fire, a new book by UCSB Writing Lecturer Robert Krut, which won the Codhill Poetry Award. Through this collection, readers embark on a journey from poem to poem as if moving between alternate universes, each poem commenting on our own reality. Krut employs graceful metaphors of rainstorms, dragons, and giant arachnids to weave beauty into the tragedy of our world while still assuring readers that reality cannot be escaped.
Winner of the Codhill Poetry Award for 2018.
An Ecology of the Russian Avant-Garde Picturebook, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: John Benjamins, 2018
An Ecology of the Russian Avant-Garde Picturebook takes a new approach to interpreting 1920s and 1930s picturebooks by prominent Russian writers, artists, and intellectuals by examining them within the ecological environment that, first, made them possible and, then, led to their demise. It argues that naturalistic models of the complex interactions of dynamic systems offer effective tools for understanding the fraught interrelations of art and censorship in the early Soviet period.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2018
In her comprehensive biography of the 107th Supreme Court Justice, Jane Sherron De Hart explores the crucial moments in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s life that shaped her dedication to gender equality, national unity, and justice as a whole. The book—fifteen years in the making—uses interviews with Ginsburg’s associates, husband, children, friends, and the justice herself to illuminate the profound mark her life has left on American jurisprudence and society.
The Neighborhood of Gods: The Sacred and the Visible at the Margins of Mumbai, The University of Chicago Press, 2018
The Neighborhood of Gods explores the connection between territory and divinity in Mumbai, India, where limited space causes the city’s residents to scramble to stake a claim for their gods. The book examines the ways that different cultures and religions in India use their available space to make themselves heard, and how those methods affect what already exists around them.
The Politics of Rights and the 1911 Revolution in China, Stanford University Press, 2018
The Politics of Rights and the 1911 Revolution in China features research from previously untouched sources as it chronicles China’s 1911 Revolution as it spread through the country. In this book, Zheng focuses not on the successes and failures of the revolution, but rather on its effect on Chinese society and its people, and the ideas they took away from it: national sovereignty, constitutionalism, and people’s rights.
Inseparable: The Original Siamese Twins and Their Rendezvous with American History, Liveright Publishing, 2018
Huang’s Inseparable tells the story of the famous, original Siamese twins, Chang and Eng Bunker (1811-1874), through the perspective of an American immigrant author. Huang uses a mix of dry humor and profound insight to depict the twins in their journey from museum exhibit freak-shows to wealthy southern gentlemen, marrying white sisters and owning their own slaves. The book comments on the American fixation on the “other” and offers its readers a humorous take on the darker parts of US history.
A Thirst for Empire: How Tea Shaped the Modern World, Princeton University Press, 2017
In A Thirst for Empire, Erika Rappaport explores the ways in which the global tea industry has influenced trade, social hierarchies, mass consumerism, and other aspects of contemporary society. Through the lens of tea, one of the most popular commodities in the world, Rappaport highlights the economic, political, and cultural forces that gave powerful empires their control over international trade and paved the way for globalization.
The Long Reach of the Sixties: LBJ, Nixon, and the Making of the Contemporary Supreme Court, Oxford University Press, 2017
In this book, Laura Kalman focuses on the effects that the era of Chief Justice Earl Warren, which took place during the 1950s and 60s, had on the direction of American politics. Kalman uses the ideological battles that erupted between Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon to show how the Warren Court became a symbol of liberal activism that was feared enough to change the entire appointment process. Using sources such as telephone conversations, research from the presidential library, and the justices’ papers, Kalman shows how influential the Supreme Court was during its time and how its power can still be felt to this day.
Voices of Labor: Creativity, Craft, and Conflict in Global Hollywood, University of California Press, 2017
Published with Curtin’s fellow editor Kevin Sanson, this book features a series of interviews that highlight aspects of the entertainment industry that both attract people to work in it and wear them down once they are in too deep. The interviews illuminate the details of the industry’s unsafe work environments, long work days without legally-mandated turn-around time, gender inequality in the industry, and personal experiences of women in entertainment.
Placing Empire: Travel and the Social Imagination in Imperial Japan, University of California Press, 2017
Placing Empire follows Japanese travelers in the early 20th century as they visited Korea, Manchuria, and Taiwan. Through the lens of Japanese imperialism, the book shines a light on the intersection of geography and more contemporary forms of colonial hierarchies. McDonald examines how differing perspectives on Japan’s imperialistic history and how that history has shaped the modern country.
Religion in the Kitchen: Cooking, Talking, and the Making of Black Atlantic Traditions, New York: NYU Press, 2016
In Religion in the Kitchen, Elizabeth Pérez explores Afro-Caribbean cooking and its intersection with religion through rituals, spirituality, songs, and sacred foods. Pérez focuses on seemingly trivial or small-scale practices, such as cooking African deities’ favorite dishes in order be ordained into their following. In this rich approach to the anthropological side of religion, this book re-conceptualizes ideas of race, gender, and sexuality through the lens of cultural cooking.
Established in 1925 by former United States Senator and Mrs. Simon Guggenheim, in memory of seventeen-year-old John Simon Guggenheim, the elder of their two sons, who died April 26, 1922, the Foundation has sought from its inception to “add to the educational, literary, artistic, and scientific power of this country, and also to provide for the cause of better international understanding,” as the Senator explained in his initial Letter of Gift (March 26, 1925). Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.
From the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
2023 João Pedro Oliveira, Music
2022 Sylvester Okwunodu Ogbechie, History of Art and Architecture
2016 George Legrady, Media Arts and Technology
2015 Jose Cabezon, Religious Studies
2015 Swati Chattopadhyay, History of Art and Architecture
2014 Yunte Huang, English
2013 Ann Taves, Religious Studies
2007 Richard Ross, Art
2007 David White, Religious Studies
2006 Patricia Cohen, History
2005 Sharon Farmer, History
2003 Catherine Albanese, Religious Studies
2002 John Nathan, East Asian Language and Cultural Studies
2001 Abigail Solomon-Godeau, History of Art and Architecture
1999 Edson C. Armi, History of Art and Architecture
1999 Carol Lansing, History
1998 Jody Enders, French and Italian, Dramatic Art
1998 Nelson Lichtenstein, History
1998 Elisabeth Weber, Germanic, Slavic, and Semitic Studies
1997 Patricia Fumerton, English
1996 Suzanne Jill Levine, Spanish and Portuguese
1995 Alan Liu, English
1992 Mario Garcia, History
1989 Ann K. Hamilton, Art
1989 David Marshall, English
1989 David P. Rock, History
1989 Peter T. Shelton, Art
1989 Everett Zimmerman, English
1988 Sucheng Chan, History
1988 Sandra A. Thompson, Linguistics
1987 Apostolos Athanassakis, Classics
1987 Alejandro Planchart, Music
1985 Joel S. Feigin, Music
1985 Richard Helgerson, English
1985 Ulrich Keller, History of Art and Architecture
1984 Lawrence Badash, History
1984 John Sullivan, Classics
1983 Edwin Duval, French and Italian
1982 Robert Kelley, History
1980 David Gebhard, History of Art and Architecture
1979 William Frost, English
1978 Henri Dorra, Art
1978 Garrett Stewart, English
1972 Anne G. Cushing, French and Italian
1972 Vivian Mercier, English
1970 George Dangerfield, History
1969 Edgar Bowers, English
1968 Stuart P. Atkins, German
1967 Alexander Deconde, History
1967 Richard Exner, German
1967 Philip Walker, French and Italian
1965 Warren C. Hollister, History
1965 Harold Kirker, History
1965 Joachim Remak, History
1962 Immanuel Hsu, History
1960 Mark Hemmer, French and Italian
1959 Alexander Deconde, History
1958 Edgar Bowers, English
1958 William Frost, English
1958 Marvin Mudrick, English
1954 Stuart P. Atkins, German